Last Supper

by sageandhoney

Living on a ranch means getting used to life and death. What is invisible in a grocery store or restaurant becomes poignantly visible and unavoidable out here. Fortunately, most of the time we see life.  Baby chicks, goslings, and kittens seem to appear every few weeks filling our home with fluff balls and cuddles. Unfortunately, if you are interested in raising your own meat for eating, killing is just part of the process. We raise animals out here to make sure they are treated fairly, honorably, and kindly. In short we take amazing care of the animals with the hopes that, when their time comes, they will take care of us in turn. And so, tonight is our goat boys last supper. We’ve loved and played with these pets for about a year and all of us are emotionally attached to these guys. Tonight is a sad night and we will miss our kids.


Eating their extra grain

Adam Sandler

Philipe and Right Nub